Sunday, August 9, 2009

They been askin', they been searchin', they been wonderin'

Well, here I am. The roadtrip/vacation finished on Friday when we drove our humble van back to its home in Elmhurst. The driving that day was the wildest of the whole trip, due to inclement weather, but since I had been handling the vehicle all week, a little rain proved no obstacle. I stayed the night in the city, then flew back to NOLA on Saturday, and here I am.
At first, I was very sad and tired. But I found the strength last night and this morning to unpack and set up almost all of my belongings, so being in a functioning room, and not merely a storage locker, helps me feel like maybe I'm supposed to be here. And it's a nice room, really. It's big. It's got my stuff in it. It has melon walls. It has an air conditioner (an absolute necessity, as it turns out), that I can turn on and off with a pliers. It has a window that looks into a very large yard with three very large trees.
And it's got me in it.
I guess I'm still sad, though.

More later.

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