Thursday, October 23, 2008

Secondary Tutorial

I burned the midnight oil last night assembling my thoughts on Hamlet. It was great fun for me, although I know S'peare isn't everyone's cuppa. (I know some of you might be wondering what translation I used.) I came up with a strong theme to read by, and my tutor enjoyed talking about it great deal. This session was quite different than my primary.
Best of all, I get the chance to continue reading Hamlet. This time, I'll read it together with The Tempest and Macbeth (see if you can guess how those all connect).
That all said, I won't post the "embryonic" essay I wrote last night. I'll make it much better and post the new one in two weeks. Can you wait that long?

1 comment:

Jordon M. Birk said...

Can I wait that long, Alexander, or am I happy waiting that long?
Okay, so I'm just rustlin' your feathers, but seriously, your writing know...good, and I would like to read it whenst available.

So, I think you might make a decent Nerdfighter...but, seeing as you' Oxford...I'll refrain from giving you the links that might entice you (beyond wikipedia) into wasting precious time abroad in front of a computer screen. That said, I'll wait until you' know...on break.