Sunday, January 24, 2010

Game Day

I said I would blog about the general air of the city on the day of the NFC Championship, but I didn't get back to my house until a little before the game, and then I made a sandwich, so I have to write now while the game is on. I don't like these defensive flags. We let them have what will soon be a touchdown.
But about the town: Everyone had a jersey on today except me. Everyone who was outside was grilling. Everyone who was in the Quarter was drinking. I tried to get my Saints ice cream from the local shop, but it---DAMNIT, touchdown---had just closed for the game. I didn't try to go anywhere else, but I assume that any building without a television was closed, locked, and empty.
I happened to drive through the Lower Ninth Ward today, on maybe the happiest day that area has seen in awhile. Just like the Who Dats farther up river, those in the Ninth had grills out, jerseys on. It felt like the country, but for the eerie empty lots and lonely concrete stairways climbing to nothing.

TOUCHDOWN SAINTS. I always run to my window to hear the distant cheers and hoots on big plays, and I heard some just now from the west. In the Ninth they're cheering over the tall grass. Game tied.

Gotta go!

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